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Elders & Representatives

Indigenous to Europe

of the
   White Shell™


Our Mission

Indigenousness is a Values System. For us, just being born on the planet does not constitute Indigenousness. To be indigenous means living in Caretakership to the Earth and ways of Harmony. (Patricia Anne Davis)  First Peoples from all over the planet are respected here and their wisdom on what it takes to harmonize with the Ecosystem, and we allow them to lead the way.   We honor the many Indigenous peoples who so lovingly Sing us Back to Our True Nature, and Indigenous values.  We take up the Mantle and Reclaim our Roots, our Indigenous Ways, founded in Love and compassion and Interrelationship with all of Nature.  We take our place in the Sacred hoop with our Brothers and Sisters and the Indigenous Representatives of the Four Directions for the sake of all life.


Please see our Ideologies below the photos...


The Indigenous Change Process

Caretaker - Patricia Anne Davis, Choctaw-Navajo/Chahta-Dineh Elder

Patricia Ann Davis has translated Dineh blessedway ceremonial principles into an Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process to facilitate a healing process that is not coping, but correction of any out-of-balance conditions within people, society, or the environment. The Indigenous Change Process moves within the context of the natural order and Indigenous science, a concept from the literature to define a distinction between an Affirmative Thinking system and a Eurocentric Dualistic thinking system. The purpose is to reframe win-lose destructive and death-producing choices and decisions into win-win constructive and life-affirming choices and decisions. She designed an “Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process” to facilitate a re-frame of thinking systems with these unifying principles:

Inclusive of all ethnic nationalities Cross-cultural • Inter-generational Restores resources to the next generation of youth Universal in practical life application and can be translated into any language. 


Our Inspiration

Whether or not the following is true or not, as there are varying viewpoints, we still adhere to the spirit of the tale below, in addition to what has been handed down by HeÈŸáka Sápa Black Elk, Wallace Black Elk, Elder Lee Brown and my Mentors, Elders and Associates as these understandings are needed in this world at this time. (Mari Fix McEwen).
Legend of the Whirling Rainbow:
One day... there would come a time, when the earth being ravaged and polluted, the forests being destroyed, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, the fish being poisoned in the streams, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist -


The Rainbow prophecy, as it has come to be known, refers to the keepers of the legends, rituals, and other myths that will be needed when the time comes to restore the health on Earth.  It is believed that these legendary beings will return on a day of awakening, when all people will unite and create a new world of justice, peace and freedom, and they will be named the ‘Warriors of the Rainbow’. They will reteach the values and the knowledge that has been lost in time, demonstrating how to have wisdom and extra-perception, and how unity, harmony and love is the only way forward.
Some say this legend is not real and some say it is.  Whether or not it is, and whether or not it is merely a New Age or "Christian Myth," is not at this point important. This understanding is what is now needed in the world at this time, so it will be embraced as relevant by Order of the White Shell.

Sun Dog or Whirling Rainbow occurance

Elder Lee Brown:


Photo by my M. Z.


All Races and Sexes are honored, this includes two spirited.  We do not promote nationalism nor ideologies of racism or supremacy.  All people that have affiliation with European ancestry or are supporters in any way are welcome in any public meetings if they are in alignment to the mission (dismantling internal colonization) and practices of our organization, and dedicated to healing and love for the benefit of all.  Some meetings may be reserved for Women, Men or Two Spirited people.  We seek to provide a sacred nest of safety to clear that which is not our primordial nature and that which is not aligned with Indigenous values:  African / Native / Asian / European.  We do not exist to debate or prove who is right and we reserve the right to determine who and what is appropriate to be included in our meetings and workshops for the sake of those doing the deep work. We also see that ideologies of old Europe may be Colonial in nature so there is a need for re-evaluation of these values to see if they are in harmony with the earth and true indigenous value systems that support all life in balance and harmony. 


We have no fees, no dues, and do not charge money for meetings.  That said, there may be an occasion to have special gatherings, or programs or bring in a certain Elder or guest, where we have specific fund raising needs in the future. 


All offerings that may be given freely from the heart to us are excepted graciously.  Sincerely,




Ava Naihm

Purification Keeper

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