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About Us

Indigenous Elder
Patricia Anne Davis

Guiding Principals


Esteemed Elder: Patricia Anne Davis

Lineage Carrier of the Indigenous Change Process - guiding principals of A4D

Patricia Ann Davis is an American Indian elder. Her English name is Patricia Anne Davis, and her Dineh ceremonial name is “peacemaker”. She was born of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw-Chahta, and born to the Taa chii nii and Kii yaa aanii kinship families of the Navajo / Dineh Nation. Her maternal grandparents are Chahta, and her paternal grandparents are the Kii yaa aanii clan of the Dineh. She is an International Teacher and Healer by tribal lineage, training, and initiation. She translated Dineh blessedway ceremonial principles into an Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process to facilitate a healing process that is not coping, but correction of any out-of-balance conditions within people, society, or the environment. She designs presentations, training, ceremony, and workshops within the context of the natural order and Indigenous science, a concept from the literature to define a distinction between an Affirmative Thinking system and a Eurocentric Dualistic thinking system. The purpose is to reframe win-lose destructive and death-producing choices and decisions into win-win constructive and life-affirming choices and decisions. She designed an “Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process” to facilitate a reframe of thinking systems with these unifying principles:

Inclusive of all ethnic nationalities Cross-cultural • Inter-generational Restores resources to the next generation of youth Universal in practical life application and can be translated into any language.  She has traveled to 9 countries to teach the ICCP.

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Indigenous Elder
Vidal Ayala Sinches,
Guardian of the Inti Ayllu people - Family of the Sun

Clan Father of A4D

Esteemed Elder Maestro Vidal Ayala Sinches, or "Noble Warrior that Gives Life"

is a Peruvian Ayllu Elder who recognized A4D's Founder Mari Fix McEwen as an Elder in 2015, and gave her the charge to both bring Indigenous Elders together from the 4 Directions to work  for the benefit of the planet, as well as to bring her people back to indigenous understanding. From that charge, the Ancestors of the 4 Directions was born as well as the different branches of A4D that serve the directions.  


Vidal Ayala Sinches is one of the main featured and prominent  Elders in the Film, "Vision of the Ages," and helped Tata Wandering Wolf to re-secure his staff of Authority as the Grand Mayan Elder of the people.


"Vidal Ayala," is the Clan Father of Ancestors of the 4 Directions."






Our Elders and Staff: 
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Mari Fix McEwen
Clan Ewing
Tchise Aje
Cynthia Klatte
Ava Naimh

CEO & Owner


Staff & Counseling




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